The information below applies to proposals submitted through Lumen. See also: Guide edits that do not require a Lumen proposal.
A Lumen proposal is required to update any of the following tabs in Guide:
- Admissions/How to Get In
- Requirements
- Program Learning Outcomes
- Four-Year Plans
- Policies
- Certification/Licensure
- Accreditation
As a departmental approver in Lumen, you’ll press the Approve button on the proposals that come through. Before pushing the button, please Edit the proposal and enter the date and the name of the group (or designated person and their role) that reviewed and approved the changes in the departmental approval section.
- This can happen through whatever process your department is using. Typically either the department members will discuss and vote on the changes, or, for small changes, approval from a designated person is sufficient.
The Guide mid-cycle update in October is meant to correct small errors only, not to introduce new programs or make major changes. A course number that changes in Spring or Summer cannot be updated in Spring or Summer Guide.
See the 2024-25 CoE Deadlines At-A-Glance. Early submissions are encouraged. If another change comes up, and you need a program rolled back, contact Sara Hagen (choose Other as the subject).
Guide Preview Days for the Fall 2025 Guide will be April 21 – May 7, 2025, with any governed content changes needed due by April 25. For preview days changes, please press the approval button by April 27, 2025. Please proofread all proposals in February to minimize corrections in April.